Peter Emrys Smart

Writing for performance by Peter Emrys Smart

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[I’m lost, I am surrounded,
Scary words and scary people.
Send something my way
Like a number one
Or a numero uno.]


How could desire exist in a place like this?
I still can’t believe that this is real.
There’s a kind of sadness that we feel
In Barcelona
In Rekjavic
In Porto
In Oslo
In Nantes.
Grateful for the weather,
Looking like a pair of thieves,
There is a kind of sadness
And it follows me
On a short haul flight to Dublin.
It’s old bones
Memory of bones
Bones that survive:

  • the regulated life
  • diaspora of thought
  • my amethyst mind

There’s a child alone in a room with her very own name for you
Thinks that grief does something scary to a person’s face.
I was wrecked tired,
Bent up, shapeless,
And the plane establishes itself as the day-to-day
Like a kind of haunting
With all voices along the aisle:
I heard mention of the devil’s mouth
Heard about a cloud on its way from...

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THE BOY calling the kettle WOLF

First created and performed in Glasgow in May 2014 by Jack Stancliffe, Daisy Douglas, Asta Tomasdottir, and Peter E. Smart.

This version developed and first performed at Summerhall, Edinburgh in February 2016 by Jack Stancliffe, Asta Tomasdottir, Peter E. Smart, and Jak Soroka.

THE BOY calling the kettle WOLF



[PART 1 is filmed by a camera placed at the back of the audience]

Jack likes to party
Jack wants you to know that he likes to party
so now you know
Jack likes to party
it is a known known
you know
that you know
that Jack likes to party
Jack knows it too
he knows you know
but what’s that Jack?
oh really?
well that’s interesting.
Jack wants you to know that he hates to party
he hates it
well now I don’t know what to believe
one minute he likes to party
now he hates it
I just don’t know
I know
that I don’t know
Jack’s position on parties
it is a known unknown
but what’s...

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